Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Latin Caroling - 2013

Latin students - and this year, also "Latin Alumni" or survivors - sang carols in Mishler House for the second year.  We'll post a sample of the, um, singing later if we can figure out how to do it.  In the mean time, here are the winners of the "best ugly sweater" contest:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Forum: An Undergraduate Book Review, 2013/2014 Edition

Tommy Pochedly and Zac Hoffman, who are the student editors for Forum: An Undergraduate Book Review at Ashland University, are inviting students interested  in seeing their name in print to contact them about writing a review. Any undergraduate at AU is eligible and the first ten reviews to be selected for publication will win $75 each.  You can see some earlier reviews by clicking on "Forum" in the links to the right of this page.  Here is the whole announcement (with contact information): 

We are pleased to announce that the student book review, The Forum, is being reactivated on campus. Please do not confuse The Forum book review with The Forum speech society as they are not the same organization. The Forum Book Review offers students a chance to win cash for writing book reviews.

 Prior to Christmas break you will need to select a serious book which you wish to review. The book you choose does not have to be non-fiction or political, but it should not be a children’s book or a commonly read high school text. Novels will also be accepted as they often pose moral questions or critiques on society. In essence, when selecting a book, it should offer something of public interest.

Once you have selected the book you wish to review, you need to notify the editors by sending an email to tpochedl@ashland.edu . We will approve your choice if it falls within the above guidelines. We have also compiled a list of possible books to review which you can select from if you are unable to find a book to review on your own. Once your book has been approved, you will need to read said book over Christmas break, write a review and submit it to the above email by January 20th.

We will edit your submissions and allow you to revise it. We are looking to print approximately 12 reviews.  The first ten reviews to be accepted for publication will be worth $75. This is a competitive contest. Reviews will be selected on the basis of merit. Submitting a book review does not guarantee you $75, only reviews selected for publication will receive money. It is possible for an author to have multiple reviews published. Final drafts of book reviews will be 600-800 words in length. Do not feel pressured to strictly constrain your initial draft to that number though.

I hope many of you will take advantage of this opportunity. If you are interested or have any questions, please direct those to the email address above.  

-Tommy Pochedly and Zac Hoffman